Interested in joining our committee or volunteering that the event? For more information contact contact
Members of YPACS Boston are exposed to the American Cancer Society’s network of more than 2 million volunteers worldwide. They are also given the opportunity to learn from experts in the field as well as one another, and opportunities to engage in service. This group also plans and supports a signature event to help raise funds for the important work done by the American Cancer Society.
Our structure consists of a President and Vice President who work closely with an ACS staff partner and oversee the five Directors. Each Director works with a committee of young professionals that work on different areas to help us achieve our goals. Leadership positions are renewed every fall, while committee members are welcome to join at any time.
We love and welcome new members always- so if you are interested in getting involved, please join us!
(link to YPACS membership expectations)
(link to YPACS committee member application)
Interested in being involved with YPACS but not sure you can commit to full membership? You may be a good fit for our ambassador-level involvement! This is a lower level of commitment than a full committee member, but still allows you to help as able. Our ambassadors serve as a liaison between YPACS and their own professional/personal networks. You will be on a separate email list but will receive all pertinent communications in order to remain in the loop with all things YPACS, including event promotion materials, sponsorship packets as needed, and volunteer opportunities. Ambassadors do not have a fundraising minimum or attendance requirements, but are still encouraged to reach out to their contacts for donations/sponsorships and attend events as able.
(link to YPACS ambassador application)